Linux Basic Commands

Making a new file (test1.txt)
root@ittihack:~# touch test1.txt

Making a new Directory ( TEST ) root@ittihack:~# mkdir TEST

Listing files from the current folder
root@ittihack:~# ls

Listing files from a specific folder
root@ittihack:~# ls /home/videos


dirt jumper v3

What you will need:

1. A simple C-panel shared hosting account will work. If you plan on hosting a lot of bots i suggest a Vps with decent specs.

2. A domain. Can be acquired for free at co.com

Preparing your domain and web hosting.

If you have setup a website before you will not need this part.


Cybergate RAT

How To Setup ???

Salam to ALL !!!
In this post i am going to teach you guys on R.A.T
1) What is a R.A.T?
R.A.T is remote administration tool. In other words, if a RAT is set up correctly, then a person (hacker) would gain acces on victim's computer. That hacker can do any stuff in victim's pc.
For example: a)will be able to move his mouse and keyboards
b)will be able to see your victim by hacking his webcam and etc.

2) Which is the best RAT?
I dont use many RATs. The best that i ever used is Cybergate RAT